Apr 28, 2007

Brooke & Friends at Paula's

This is Brooke and friends sent in by her baby sitter, Paula. Paula always seems to be so organized and she's great with the kids!

Gram & Stephanie Visit St. George

We were so glad to have Stephanie home overnight on Thursday night and she brought a very special lady with her (Gram) Sydney's mother Sarah. We went out for breakfast Friday morning then Steph went to see her friend Jill in St. Andrews to have her hair done, while Syd and I had a nice visit with his Mom.

Apr 22, 2007

Congrats Grandma Marge & Grandpa Wes!

This is Grandpa Wes

Below is Warren's Mom-Marge who is a new Grandma. Katelyn Mae was born on April 16th --13 min. after her mother Kristy and Warren's brother Jeff arrived at the hospital. This is Katelyn's big sister Hayley, who looks proud of her baby sister.
Kristy--hope all is going well with the new baby. I see Tamara and I were very close in numbers on the baby contest.

This makes 6 granddaughters for Wes & Marge. Looks like Terry is going to have to provide them with the boys! Although Kristy said she'll be at the hospital sooner next time . . . . Enjoy the new baby! They grow up so fast!

The last pile of snow ...

Here's Brooke & Lauryn with their dog Prince. . .

The girls were playing outside with their strollers on Sat. and posed by the pile of snow that hasn't quite melted yet. The metal roof dumps the snow in this corner, causing it to pile up. What a beautiful weekend! Back to BBQ weather!

Go West . . . . .

Everyone seems to be heading West, so we thought we'd get a head start in our home on wheels! Actually, we are looking forward to going across Canada (probably in 2008) and visiting relatives along the way. In the meantime we hope to take some trips a little closer to home, like Newfoundland, and PEI.

Visit Woodstock, NB April 19/07

Great Uncle Sydney with Thomas

Dad-John Oulton with Marlee

Meet the Twins-Syd's great nephew Thomas and his sister Marlee-they are sweet!
Sydney and I were to Woodstock on Thurs. and were glad to see the twins who have grown so much since we saw them last. We were also glad to have a nice visit with their parents Kelly & John Oulton, grandparents Don & Jan and great grandmother Ellen Taylor. Syd also dropped by to see Don Taylor.

Apr 4, 2007

Addison Marie Hanselpacker-Baby Shower

This is the newest addition to Darren & Julie's household--Addison Marie, born Feb. 16, 2007. The pic was taken at Addison's baby shower and that would be her Aunt Jill holding her. She is a princess!

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Some young ladies who attended the shower were so happy to see each other.

Apr 3, 2007

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Getting back to vacation Mar. 5-19th in the Dominican, I would highly recommend Punta Cana as a beach vacation destination. We had about 5 min. of rain and perfect temperatures the whole time we were there. The food was fantastic (a few of our group got sick)--maybe sensitive to the variety/quantities of food? Everything you need is right there on the resort, and they have trolley cars to take you any where you want to go. The West Jet's direct flight from Moncton was a treat (no transfers) just a 4 1/2 hr. flight. The first week we did a fair amount of reading on the beach (Sydney did some studying). Some of the books I read were, two of Karen Kingsbury's: Ever After, and Forever-so good. Also, Dr. Phil's wife Robin's book-Inside My Heart, really good read. My favorite--was a book by John Bevere called Driven by Eternity (I would highly recommend this book for all Christians), it is very inspiring and stirring and can be a tool to help us all live an eternity focused life, a life with more of an eternal perspective. Well, I'll sign off here--American Idol is on!

Brooke & Lauryn are back from Florida

Prince is so happy to have the girls home from their trip. It makes bed time so much more fun! The girls had a great time in Florida with their Grandpa, and Grandma and Uncle Terry. Lauryn's busy getting caught up on her school work and Brooke is happy to be back in school with her friends on Monday mornings. Warren and Kerry and the girls were over for supper tonight (meatloaf). I haven't been able to post on my blog for a few days, but Warren got it up and running this evening.Pat and I made a spontaneous trip to Bangor for the day on Sat. Pat's planning to give her downstairs bathroom at the cottage a face lift, and I was looking for Easter dresses for the girls. We had a great day!