Apr 3, 2007

Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Getting back to vacation Mar. 5-19th in the Dominican, I would highly recommend Punta Cana as a beach vacation destination. We had about 5 min. of rain and perfect temperatures the whole time we were there. The food was fantastic (a few of our group got sick)--maybe sensitive to the variety/quantities of food? Everything you need is right there on the resort, and they have trolley cars to take you any where you want to go. The West Jet's direct flight from Moncton was a treat (no transfers) just a 4 1/2 hr. flight. The first week we did a fair amount of reading on the beach (Sydney did some studying). Some of the books I read were, two of Karen Kingsbury's: Ever After, and Forever-so good. Also, Dr. Phil's wife Robin's book-Inside My Heart, really good read. My favorite--was a book by John Bevere called Driven by Eternity (I would highly recommend this book for all Christians), it is very inspiring and stirring and can be a tool to help us all live an eternity focused life, a life with more of an eternal perspective. Well, I'll sign off here--American Idol is on!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Those are nice pictures. I'm glad you had a great time. That resort looks beautiful!