May 31, 2007

Coffee Corner Has A Visitor . . .

This morning Maisie brought her niece Iva Lynn (who is here visiting from Alberta) in for coffee. Pictured here is Beth, her Mother Maisie and Iva Lynn. Tomorrow night is the big night some of us have been waiting for--"Bill Gaither & Homecoming Friends" at Harbour Station. I enjoy a variety of Gospel music, but the Gaithers and the Homecoming Friends are still right there at the top of my list. My Mom really enjoys them and listens to them on TV every Friday evening.


Taxi Driver said...

Hi Nanny,

Can we come live with you? You have the best pizzas, you hang out at Coffee Corner, and you have lots of fun!

We love your blog, it has more smiles per square inch than any other blog!


Nanny Ivy said...

Sure, you can come and hang out! We'd really like to meet more of Warren's relations. The ones we met so far are wonderful people and the welcome mat is in place.