Jun 2, 2007

Bill Gaither & Friend's

What a little taste of Heaven!The Bill Gaither & Friend's Concert in Saint John last evening was "over the top". The only way it could have been better is if Bill Gaither himself could have been there! Let me explain for anyone who wasn't there--Bill Gaither has some serious health issues at the moment, and his Dr. recommended he not travel at this time. I was a little disappointed at first (how selfish of me), but everything went great. The presence of Holy Spirit was evident, and the concert was a real time of praise and worship. To have that many Christians under one roof, for one reason--to lift up the name of Jesus was certainly a joy! What a little taste of Heaven! Some of us were comparing this gathering to heaven and how we can't even imagine how great heaven is going to be! I bought the book "Something Beautiful" by Glora Gaither. Bill and Gloria have been writing songs for over 50 years, and this book is about the stories behind the songs.

This is Ernie Haase & Signature Band, who were so energetic, and enthusiastic in their singing. One of the ladies compared them to the "Wiggles" (with a great message). Janet Pascal sang beautifully, and shared how she went through cancer and treatments in 2005, but now has a clean bill of health. She thanked all those who prayed for her. We enjoyed Guy Penrod, who is part of the Gaither Vocal Band (who now has 8 children). Jeff and Sheri Easter, Lynda Randle, and I don't want to forget "Ben Speer" are a few more of those who sang. I'm sure I'm missing some. In all, we had a blessed evening!

1 comment:

lil said...

We have enjoyed the Gaither Homecoming show here in Denver, CO, too! We really like their music!
(Warren's aunt)