Feb 21, 2007

Felicity Rachel Lynn Anderson has arrived!

My Nephew Jason was able to be home for the birth of his daughter Felicity, who was born February 20th,weighing in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. Congrats Jason & Jillian and the 7 siblings! Jason has recently been in Gagetown training and then on to Pettiwawa for the birth of his daughter and is due to go to Afghanistan on Feb. 28th. We'll be keeping you in our prayers Jason!

I think I'm getting "cabin fever" since I've been house bound since last Sat. evening. Also, missing the granddaughters (who I did not want to pass my bug on to). Hopefully, by tomorrow I'll be able to at least stick my head outside the door. Girls just called and they are both home sick with their Dad today.

I received good news today--my oldest brother Billy (who won't be 66 until June) got out of the hospital, (in New Glasgow) but he is still a very sick man.

Pop (my husband) is out for a snowmobile ride this afternoon with a friend. Hopefully they are able to enjoy the sunshine and snow.

Just watched a program on Worship (http://www.newday.org/guests), which was very interesting and informative. Their guest Tamara Winslow is going to be on
It's A New Day all this week. Some things I learned about worship: 24/7 we worship something. The opposite of worship is worry and 5 characteristics of worship: Worship/Service, Worship/Obedience, Worship/Humility, Worship/Love-friendship & Worship/Respectful Reverance.
Col. 3:1-3 tells us we are seated with Christ in Heavenly places.

I think it's tea time.


Jeff, Kristy, Hayley & Katelyn said...

I'm so glad I now found out about your blog! I look forward to more pictures and to keep in touch with you all.
I hope and pray that you all will be feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

That A Nanny !!!! Way to finally enter the world of Blogging... It's a fun time.. I look forward to reading about all your adventures that you and the other nannies have... Happy Blogging !!!